I Don't know how to start it,the speech become is all ALLAH,but i'll try my best.
For a few days I didn't online for blogging,facebook & etc.Allahuakbar,I'm really.. lost words...(not lost world).
So what it's all about?It actually about a person(ar-rijal,a guy) that I didn't know much about him,but when I think of him,i'll pray for him.(inshaAllah,he's good guy,that why Allah give the intention to other people to pray for him,right?)
Who is that guy?How do I know him?
It is Maf Afzal ,the guy that I know when I'm watching the 7th habbits of highly effective muslim/PUISI 2006 video(i've got the video from a friend of my brother which is the video actually from his sister who was fly to Ireland for furthering the study...thanks a lot, it helps me a lot).In the video,he make a performance with his group that called as synergies.(It remind me to the 1st time that he introduces the name of his group:he said :"Assalamu'alaikum w.b.t .Kepada sahabat-sahabat sekalian kami sebagai pembuka tirai pada malam ini untuk persembahan,jadi kami memperkenalkan nama kumpulan kami,"synergies bukan si najis",jadi kena sebut betul-betul."He's humourous guy in the gentle way(the video still with me...Allahuakbar). a day that has been fated by Allah s.w.t from his birth in this was actually the day of Mas Afzal has been called by Allah s.w.t. through Jibril a.s...Mas Afzal has returned to Allah s.w.t.Inna Lillaah wa Innaa Ilayhi Raaji’oon…Let us reciting Al fatihah to him...May Allah granted you with His Jannah.Ammen3.for all of the readers to get to know much about mas Afzal story about his hard day accompanied by his kind-herarted mother facing the cancer deseases , you can visit his blog at (there are some pictures of him in his blog,just visit his blog for viewing his pictures,and has an ibrah(introspection of life before the end of the death day).To Mas Afzal Masarudin's family,friends and others : inshaAllah everyone had done the best to him,tabah dan sabarlah menjalani ujianNya...inshaAlah.semuanya adalah ingatan dari Allah buat kita,saya yang masih menggembara di muka bumiNya...
Last but not least,i would like to share the entry from Ustaz Hasrizal website about Mas Afzal(the source of news about Mas Afzal had passed away ).Jakumullahuhairankathira...
"jgn pernah diucap selamat tinggal , tapi ucaplah sampai jumpa lg,kalaupun bukan di dunia ini,biarlah di jannatul firdausi dan moga doa menghubung kita."
Berlarilah Mas, ke Temanmu yang Maha Tinggi!
Inna Lillaah wa Innaa Ilayhi Raaji’oon…
Akhi Maf Afzal yang dikasihi.
Dalam seluruh kesedihan yang terbendung di hati ini menyambut berita pemergianmu Subuh tadi, kulepaskan dirimu kembali ke Temanmu yang Maha Tinggi bersama selautan doa agar engkau ditempatkan di sisi hamba-hamba-Nya yang soleh dan solehah.
Aku tidak menyimpan sebarang kenangan tentang dirimu kecuali engkau adalah seorang PEJUANG yang TIDAK PERNAH BERHENTI BERLARI.
Takziah buat kedua ayah bonda dan keluarga serta seluruh sahabat seperjuangan. Moga kesabaran melepaskan bintang hati kita ini, dibalas dengan Syurga-Nya, ameen.
اللهم اجعله في الفردوس الأعلى من الجنة مع النبيين والصديقين والشهداء والصالحين
اللهم واجعل قبره روضة من رياض الجنة وافسح له فيه ويسر عليه الحساب اللهم ثبته عند السؤال إنك على كل شيء قدير
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